1 |
ID |
VD:40275 |
2 |
Context |
3 |
Value Domain Type |
4 |
Value Domain Name |
String_VD |
5 |
Definition |
String_VD |
6 |
Conceptual Domain |
7 |
Workflow Status |
8 |
Version |
1.0 |
9 |
Effective Begin Date |
2014-01-07 |
10 |
Effective End Date |
11 |
Representation Type |
Text Box |
12 |
Data Type : Non-Enumerated |
String |
13 |
The Unit of Measure (UOM) : Non-Enumerated |
14 |
Display Format : Non-Enumerated |
String |
15 |
Minimum Length : Non-Enumerated |
1 |
16 |
Maximum Length : Non-Enumerated |
255 |
17 |
Low Value (for number data type) : Non-Enumerated |
18 |
High Value (for number data type) : Non-Enumerated |
19 |
Decimal Place : Non-Enumerated |
20 |
Classification Scheme and Classification Scheme Items |
21 |
Data Element Reference Document |
22 |
Comment / Change Note |
23 |
Registrar |
kirarang |
24 |
Data elements |
직업_DE 진단명_DE MBI점수_DE MMSE점수_DE NRC_의료정보기록지_장애유형_DE Lab_Test_Result_String_DE Lab_Test_Name_DE PD_last_fill_DE PD_strength_DE
25 |
Relation |
V_D2_Name |
Relationship_Type |
Relationship_Description |
Edit/Delete |